New Build Handovers

Items explained at home demonstration which buyers are unsure of can be run through again. Meter readings are recorded and sent to the utility providers.
An update is given on outstanding Snags and any questions raised previously. Upon confirmation from the solicitor that funds have been received, keys are handed over.
New-build handover:
- Consistent in-depth process
- Professional service
- Meter readings recorded & new ownership advised to utilities
- Local authority contacted for council tax change
- Written record of keys handed over
- Surface & appliance check – final sign off

Follow up Calls/Surveys
Once buyers have moved in, we contact them to see if all is well. We ask them to give thoughts on their purchasing journey, and if it and their new home has lived up to expectation. If there are any major issues, it is helpful to be informed so you can rectify quickly.
The questions within the survey are pre-agreed and cover sales and marketing processes, the property and how you & your team have fared.
Post-handover follow up:
- Courtesy contact to ensure all is well
- Post-handover issues quickly actioned
- Chance to check processes are working
- Insight into your customer’s perception of you
- Pre-agreed survey content
- Further enhance customer service

Property Solutions
Whitehill provides a range of cost-effective services to the property market. Our clients are local and regional developers/builders, private and corporate landlords, as well as home buyers.