New Build Inspections

At build end, we provide a non-bias independent ‘Snagging’ inspection service for Developers, Builders, and Home buyers. The service is designed to further enhance the quality of the finished property. It is a detailed inspection to highlight what Home buyers will find when they take occupation.


The last thing a home buyer needs when they move into their new home is for essential items not to work. As part of our routine checks, we test the heating and plumbing systems, electrics, all doors and windows, as well as appliances. If there is a problem, these can either be put right before a handover takes place or reassurance given to the buyer that the problem has already been highlighted and is being sorted.


Generally, it is not until someone moves into the property that some faults come to light. The aim of the Property Inspection is to minimise these issues, to ensure a smooth transition from builder to home buyer and maintain a consistent high-level quality of finish throughout.

The comprehensive audits are easy to follow, drawn up by area and room by room. Items to be made good are easily identified with photographs of the main faults and are highlighted by trade. This means the reports are ready to issue to each trade upon receipt.

Inspection Reports

  • Independent non-bias view of property
  • Assist getting it right first time
  • Maintain and improve build quality
  • Additional check of systems and services
  • Reduce post-handover cost putting wrongs right
  • Surface finish inspection
  • ‘Snagging’ reports ready to issue to trades to rectify upon receipt

The comprehensive audits are easy to follow, drawn up by area and room by room. Items to be rectified are easily identified with photographs of the main faults. Items recorded are highlighted by trade and ready to issue upon receipt.

Because an item is recorded does not necessarily mean it will be put right, if it is not, at least it will be an informed decision by you.

Report Contents:

Property Solutions

Whitehill provides a range of cost-effective services to the property market. Our clients are local and regional developers/builders, private and corporate landlords, as well as home buyers.

Reduce your fixed costs

Simplify your business

Release resources

Minimise your headaches

Increase opportunities

Maximise profits

Reduce your fixed costs

Simplify your business

Release resources

Minimise your headaches

Increase opportunities

Maximise profits